Children of the Urban Poor Becoming Leaders
We identify, grow and launch leaders
Community: We believe that growth occurs in a community setting. Children of the urban poor are not islands; they are part of communities. Helping communities will also directly help the child
Opportunity: We believe that opportunities that are taken hold of can be life changing for the individual, their family and community. Flame will provide the opportunities for children of the urban poor
Perseverance: We believe that failure is not a deal breaker. People will fail and disappoint on their way to becoming leaders. Perseverance is an essential life skill for any leader
Pay it Forward: We believe that the best people to help the urban poor are those who have walked that journey well. Gratitude for help received is best shown in paying it forward into another child’s life. No person is too young to be grateful.
““I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you...””